Kaç para
Soyut pazarında
Gülümseme sordum
Mevsimi değil
Bulamazsın dediler
Kahkaha var mı?
Yok, o da yok
Kim kaybetti ki
Sen bulacaksın
Saygı sevgi kaç para?
Onların ömrü kısa
Dayanıksızlar, ne zamandır
Koymuyoruz tezgâha
Ne var bu mevsim?
Yağcılık dalkavukluk
Yalan iftira sahtekârlık
Hakaret küfür aşağılama
Hem taze hem ucuz
Dört mevsim bol…
Barbaros İRDELMEN,
İstanbul. 21 04 2020, 20:52

How much does it cost?
I asked in the abstract market
For a smile
You cannot find, they said
It’s not a season for it
Is there a laughter?
No way, it is too unavailable
Who lost it
So that you can find it
How much does love cost?
Its lifespan is short
It’s so perishable, for a long while
We don’t put them on the counter
What do we have in this season?
Ass-kissing, flattery
Lies, slander, fraudulency
Insult, curse, disdain
All of them are both fresh and easy
Abundant in four seasons…
Barbaros İRDELMEN,
Istanbul. 21 04 2020, 20:52
English Translation by Mesut ŞENOL